Ahmad Taghinezhad-Niar, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Computer Enginnering, University of Tabriz

I am Ahmad Taghinezhad Niar, Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering department at the University of Tabriz, Iran. My research interests encompass Distributed Systems, Scheduling Algorithms, Cloud Computing, Edge Intelligence, and Formal Methods. We are currently seeking talented students to join our research group, where we address intricate challenges in these domains. Furthermore, our laboratory actively engages in industrial projects focusing on Distributed and AI-based software development. We enthusiastically welcome opportunities for international collaborations to enrich our research endeavors and foster global partnerships. Your participation in our academic and applied research pursuits, whether local or international, would be highly valued and mutually beneficial.

Email Address: a0taghinezhad@gmail.com & a.taghinezhad@tabrizu.ac.ir 
احمد تقی نژاد نیار


Programming Language and Tools
  • Python- NLP, Django, Elasticsearch, RestAPI, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Golang- VScode, Stripe, Decision-Tree, Cloud, OAuth 2, Echo, Cassandra, SqlServer
  • CPN-TOOLS & Colored Petri net tools : ML Language
  • Eclipse & Netbeans: JAVA, Clean Code
  • Asp.Net & C#.Net & C++: VisualStudio
  • Matlab
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Team Foundation Managment
  • Agile Development & Scrum
  • Clean Code

Awards & Certifications

  • Recieved the recruitment plan in the executive board award from National Elites Fundation of Iran, 2023.
  • Recieved the Sayyad Shirazi award from National Elites Fundation of Iran, 2022.
  • Admitted as an Exceptional Talent for Ph.D. programs, 2021.
  • Participate in Erasmus Eu project , University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, Feb 2018
  • Practical Workshop on Wireless Networks Security and Ethical Hacking, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, 2017
  • 1st Place - Ph.D - Software Engineering- 2017
  • 2st Place - Master of Science - Software Engineering 2015-2017
  • Top student - Bachelor - Software Engineering
  • Honored Person in Iran Periodical Technology Competition (“Fannavard”) as a Full stack developers - 2016
  • Honored Person in ICT-Sharif Competition as a Programmer - 2020


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